

Start learning how to code in under 5 minutes


Let’s start learning how to code in under 5 minutes!Hi, my name is Zeke. I work with The Code Club. We make learning to code easy and fun for expats in Asia. I am a self taught Android developer. The first coding I learned was in a computer science class in university. At that time I don’t think they had the instant ways to learn how to code that we have now. Now you have several options to get you started easily and quickly. Below I will show you how you can write your first line of code in under 5 minutes.

Go to freecodecamp or click the image below. Read the mini lesson and solve the task. This should not be to hard. If it is join one of our groups and we can help you out. Freecodecamp teaches Javascript. Javascript is a good first language to learn.

Click me to start coding

Click me to start coding

To get a feel for programming you will have to spend more than 5 minutes. But to get started solving a few problems is all you need. Freecodecamp is an excellent free resource for learning how to code. If you have some free time you can learn some programming. Freecodecamp has everything you need to become a professional developer. You can read here how an expat English teacher used it to become a full-time developer.

Click image to join our facebook community. Or add me to join our Wechat group. My Wechat spencerdepas

Click image to join our facebook community. Or add me to join our Wechat group. My Wechat spencerdepas

After solving the above programming task you have started the journey to becoming a developer. The Code Club is a coding community in Asia. We hold free and paid events to teach expats in Asia how to code. If you have any questions about coding or learning how to code ask in our Wechat or facebook group.